The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) in Kansas is a federal/state partnership created for enhancing water conservation efforts along the Upper Arkansas River corridor from Hamilton County to Rice County. The Upper Arkansas River CREP has been officially approved and operating for nine years.
The Upper Arkansas River CREP is a voluntary, incentive-based program allowing producers to enroll eligible irrigated acres in targeted areas for 14–15 year contracts with FSA, permanently retire the associated state water rights on the enrolled acres, and establish an approved land cover (typically a native grass) on the same acreage. The producer receives an annual rental payment, plus additional cost-share opportunities for specific conservation practices from FSA, plus an upfront incentive payment from KDA-DOC.
This brochure is provided for the particular benefit of landowners who might be interested in exploring the basic payment guidelines and policies of the project. Additional information may on the Kansas Department of Agriculture - Division of Conservation website by following the button below.
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